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Report about Switey`
Report creation date: 2024-08-04 13:41:40
Report last action date: 2024-08-04 17:16:19

He was at 3 seekers spot while there's one seeker only and the seeker keep asking him and others to down as you see,
then swity told all to get down and they all went to 2 seekers spot hhh..
tell him to read back the rules at least

Report about Switey`
Report creation date: 2024-08-01 04:54:35
Report last action date: 2024-08-01 05:15:27

about this guy he's insult me with no reason and keep doin this

Report about Switey`
Report creation date: 2024-02-10 07:22:28
Report last action date: 2024-02-10 09:03:58
