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Report about .Sezar`
Report creation date: 2024-10-07 02:09:00
Report last action date: 2024-10-08 18:51:11

first of all, this person doesn't know the rules well the first thing he did was give abo ElKhiar a mute and he was the one who insulted him first i told him that it isn't right to do this so he unmute then he and Abo Elkhiar started a fight the admin is supposed to give him a mute to end the fight, but he didn't do this he insulted Abo Elkhiar and Abo El Khiar insulted him they continued this dialogue for a while, then sezar gave him a kick and the reason was “ana 3mk y3rs lol” When Abo Elkhiar entered he provoked him and said, “3rft ana men” and made blocks using m4 these aren't admin ethics

. this isn't the first time that sezar insults players first and he did this to me, and it isn't the first time that he starts a fight with someone knowing that he can give the other person a mute

Report about .Sezar`
Report creation date: 2024-09-19 21:15:43
Report last action date: 2024-09-21 04:53:53

again seazr playing seek for score and forceteam all players to red this annoys the players

Report about .Sezar`
Report creation date: 2024-09-19 20:41:32
Report last action date: 2024-09-29 10:17:56

forceteam all afk to red to get score in police
bassingseek with no resson and no spectator
Lack of respect for the players