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Report about 𝒮ℐℛ' 𝒫𝒜ℬℒ𝒪
Report creation date: 2022-09-30 16:11:32
Report last action date: 2022-09-30 16:19:21

Dracula asked for respawning when the seekers released I respawned him and at the same time, Pablo killed a player and got his mm1 where is my abuse? he reported me because I respawned (Dracula) I don't care about the child's problems I did the right thing and respawned him anyway, seconds after he tried to kill Dracula but he got caged......When Dracula caged him by all m4 shoots he popped him and said it because I respawned him but for real he popped him for some reasons first, cuz he has a problem with Dracula...
Secondly, because he got caged by Dracula then drac escaped and went far away ....pable wasn't able to kill Dracula so he popped him

Report about 𝒮ℐℛ' 𝒫𝒜ℬℒ𝒪
Report creation date: 2022-09-30 02:33:39
Report last action date: 2022-09-30 14:13:36

i say kosmk box he give me mute lol

Report about 𝒮ℐℛ' 𝒫𝒜ℬℒ𝒪
Report creation date: 2022-09-03 05:30:09
Report last action date: 2022-09-03 07:03:07

I play seek and Pablo did to me ft and he says wh and I don't think he will do this because I'm admin and he's admin too and I can't shoot a video but when I see him give me ft so I shot a video fast and I have a score and he says to me wh and I don't play with wh I play with clean

Report about 𝒮ℐℛ' 𝒫𝒜ℬℒ𝒪
Report creation date: 2022-07-05 01:14:31
Report last action date: 2022-07-05 09:53:06

He give me pop he say you team lol and me dont play team you can see this video

Report about 𝒮ℐℛ' 𝒫𝒜ℬℒ𝒪
Report creation date: 2022-07-02 23:54:57
Report last action date: 2022-07-02 23:58:55

Im really getting tired of this child pabloescobar.
He keeps bs me day in day out because hes clueless.
He cant even speak proper english, communicating is pointless.
The irony is this child is banned in pretty much every sof2 gold for cheating.